Breathe a sigh of relief… Not only is Shabbat almost here, but your dinner will be waiting for you at Chabad. Surrounded by friends and family, you will enjoy a delicious Friday night dinner. It's Shabbat Around the World! We have also included on this form our holiday dinners.
Sponsors Needed
Nine times a year, Friday night and Holiday dinners are held at Chabad. The dinners are sponsored by generous community members - like the Shabbat kiddush - so there is no charge to attend. The cost of sponsoring a Friday night or Holiday dinner is $180.00. We need four sponsors for each dinner. You can sponsor the dinner in honor of a special event, significant milestone or in honor / in memory of someone.
Table Hosts Wanted
The dinners create opportunities for friends to hang out, to meet new people and to introduce new families to Chabad. To this end, Chabad is looking for eight table hosts for each dinner, who can invite their friends and family to join them at the dinner. There is no cost to be a table host and your guests need not do anything (accept attend of course :)). Use the side panel to sign on as a table host or sponsor, and get ready to transform your weekends and holidays into something special!
Yes! I’d like to sign up to attend and/or agree to be a Sponsor and/or as a Table Host for the following Shabbat Around the World and Holiday Dinners.
Yes! I’d like to sponsor a dinner
for $180 for the following reason: