Camp begins on Monday, June 25th and concludes on Thursday, August 24th. For safety, we do not post a calendar online. Please contact our office for a daily schedule of activities.
Camp Gan Israel summer camp program is for ages 2-13.
Camp Communication
Camp Administrative Offices: 201-848-0449
Director's Cell Phone Numbers: 201-560-2640 / 201-560-2502
Email: [email protected]
Any changes that need to be communicated to parents will be done in two ways:
- A flyer sent home in child's backpack. Please check backpacks daily.
- An e-mail to parents. Please make sure to check e-mail nightly
E-mail is an excellent way to communicate with us!
Lunch Program
A Kosher lunch will be provided 5 days a week at no extra charge by the camp. The daily lunch menu will be available online a few weeks before camp and will be mailed to you along with other pertinent information once your application is approved.
Dairy or pareve lunch may be brought from home. Lunches will be refrigerated.
Snacks are provided twice a day. Ice pops are given to children daily.
Transportation to and from camp is done by parents.
Morning Drop-off: 9:00 a.m.
Afternoon Pickup: 3:30 p.m.
Both before and after-care are available.
If anyone other than the child's parent is picking up a child, they must be included on the release form submitted before camp. If not, a signed note may be brought to camp.
Camp T-Shirts
The wearing of a CGI t-shirt on all trip days is mandatory. One shirt will be distibuted free of charge. Additional shirts are avaiable for purchase prior to the start of camp along with caps. We suggest purchasing one additional shirt.
Personal Property
The Camp does not take responsibility for any personal items brought to camp.
Personal sports equipment such as baseball bats, hockey sticks, sports balls, etc will be stored by the counselor and used under staff supervision.
ABSOLUTELY NO illegal substances or weapons of any kind will be allowed on camp grounds. Camp reserves the right to conduct searches when we feel necessary.
Please call the day before if you know your child will not attend camp. We request a phone call by 8:00 a.m. if absence is unexpected.
Counselors remain in contact with the administration all day via cell phones or walkie talkies.
In case of a major emergency, children will remain on campgrounds and will wait for parents to pick them up.
In case of a medical emergency, G‑d forbid, parents and the family doctor will be immediately notified at the contact numbers provided. If we are un-able to reach a parent directly, we will call the emergency contact and family doctor.
The swimming pool is supervised at all times by certified lifeguards. When going on field trips, contact is maintained at all times with the camp office by means of mobile communication.
Any medication which needs to be administered during camp hours must be clearly marked with camper's name. A separate note containing dosage instruction and parent signature must be sent as well.
Financial Assistance/ Scholorship
No child will be denied a Jewish summer camp experience. If you are unable to fulfill the tuition obligations but would like to send your child to camp please download the scholarship form available in the "forms" folder of the parents place section.